About 'Finding Bouken'

To those unfamiliar with the Japanese language, "bouken" (冒険) means adventure. A few years ago, Hamu convinced Usagi that doing things beyond her comfort level was simply an adventure. Since then, they describe all their experiences as an adventure towards new memories.

Hamu (ハム)

Hamu is the starter of adventures and finder of the way. When not researching future trips, Hamu can be seen drinking (lots of) coffee while reading about new technologies.

Some say she can be easily bribed to do house chores with delicious desserts.

Usagi (兎)

Usagi is the detailed planner of trips and all things cute. She is often found huddled under a pile of blankets while researching locations of any upcoming trips.

She may also be found raiding the local kitchen cupboard for delicious goodies.


Hinata Wiggles (向日葵)

Hinata-chan is the resident adventure approver. She will eat anything delicious, preferably human food, and provide opinions on any future trips. These opinoins are usually declared by howling, barking, and woo-wooing. She normally finds adventures that do not include her unacceptable, except when she gets to visit her favorite Camp Counselor. Follow her adventures on instagram @hinawiggles!